Abstracts & Talks

A pdf version of the schedule and abstracts can be download from here.

We thank all of you for kindly sent us the slides of your talks. Here you can find them in alphabetic order. if you have any question about this do not hessitate to contact us.

S. Albrecht On the construction of entire functions in the Speiser class
N.A. Alhabib Explosion points for exponential maps
M. Baumgartner On boundaries of multiply connected wandering domains
J. Canela Arnold tongues in degree 4 Blaschke products
T. Gauthier Distribution of postcritically finite polynomials
S. Godillon From quasiconformal foldings to entire functions
R. Lodge A combinatorial characterization of postcritically finite Newton maps
K. Mamayusupov Parabolic surgery and its application to Newton's method
D. Martí The scaping set of entire functions
S. Mukherjee Combinatorics and topology of the Multicorns
T. Nayak Omitted values and Herman rings
J. Tomasini A combinatorial point of view of some dynamic problems
S. Vogel On the measure of the escaping set of a quasiregular analogue of the sine function