Computer Algebra for Dynamical Systems and Mechanics

Session Organizers:

·        Victor Edneral,

·        Raya Khanin,

·        Ilias Kotsireas,

·        Nikolay Vasiliev

This session is intended to discuss Computer Algebra methods and algorithms in the study of Dynamical Systems. The session will also focus on important applications of Computer Algebra to Dynamical Systems arising in many areas of science and engineering.

Since nonlinear Dynamical Systems cannot be exactly solved in general, the role of Computer Algebra in finding approximate solutions as well as in the pre-analysis for the numerical methods, is extremely important. From this point of view, the construction of exact or approximate solutions in symbolic form constitutes the most powerful approach to study the behavior of Dynamical Systems. Computer Algebra methods have also emerged as powerful tools in investigating stability and bifurcations.


·        Stability and bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems.

·        Investigation of limit cycles.

·        Symbolic integration of ODEs.

·        Construction and analysis of the structure of integral manifolds.

·        Construction of approximate solutions in symbolic form.

·        Construction of normal forms.

·        Construction and investigation of formal integrals of dynamical systems.

·        Non-Holonomic systems.

·        Construction of integral invariants and partial integrals.

·        Invariants of symplectic mapping.

·        Symplectic integration of hamiltonian systems.

·        Semi-numerical algorithms.

·        Symbolic dynamics.

·        Applications of computer algebra methods to celestial mechanics.

·        Computer algebra software and and special-purpose packages.

·        Applications to control theory and mechanical engineering.

·        Discrete simulation and automata theory


Preliminary program:

Celestial Mechanics and General Relativity

Session Organizers:

·        Sergei Klioner

The aim of the session is to provide a forum for discussing new computer algebra algorithms, techniques, software systems and applications in the fields of celestial mechanics and gravitational physics. Although these two research fields are rather different, there are many computer algebra ideas and techniques common to both fields, and it seems to be quite interesting to discuss these questions in such an audience.

Both celestial mechanics and relativistic gravity theories are traditional application fields of computer algebra. Both fields are known for their extremely complicated calculations with many thousands of terms. The complexity of calculations in both research fields forces to develop specialized algorithms and specialized highly optimized software systems. Poisson series processors optimized for typical applications in celestial mechanics and specialized systems for tensorial calculations in relativity play a very important role. However, also general-purpose systems can be successfully used in many cases.

The session is intended to cover the whole spectrum of computer algebra techniques and applications in celestial mechanics and gravitational physics. Session topics include (but are not restricted to):

A.1     Specialized computer algebra systems for celestial mechanics

A.2     Applications of general-purpose computer algebra systems in celestial mechanics

A.3     Algorithm design in celestial mechanics

B.1     Computer algebra systems for gravitational physics

B.2     Algorithms for tensorial computations

B.3     Applications of computer algebra in gravitational physics

AB.1   Computer algebra in teaching celestial mechanics and general relativity

AB.2   Symbolic-numeric interface